About two months ago, I spotted a car in Oak Bluffs with a chrome Martha’s Vineyard island decal right above its bumper. It really caught my eye, and I actually stopped to admire it. I know that sounds like a bit much, but I have been looking for something for my car that represented Martha’s Vineyard because I love this place.
Not one for stickers, I have gone for years without anything, but I really liked this particular decal. I thought that it would be easy enough to find. However, I could not figure out where to get one. I looked in stores that I thought might sell them and online but to no avail. To make it worse, I saw a couple more vehicles with them, and my frustration was growing.
Finally last week, I recognized someone’s car with the decal that I had been coveting. The wonderful Doris Clark had one on her Volvo. I immediately went to her website when I got home and emailed her about the decal. She, if anyone, would be in the know. When she responded the next day, I was so excited. She had gotten it at Shirley’s Hardware in Vineyard Haven, and I did not even consider Shirley’s. She had also said that if they were sold out, Debbie, who works there, might be able to help me.
So, first I called Shirley’s, and of course they were sold out. Not one to get discouraged easily, I decided to go in person and inquire. As I waited for Debbie to finish a phone call, I was getting a little nervous. I finally found a decal for my car that I liked, and I may not be able to get it! Ugh!
Imagine my surprise, when she told me the decals were from Tuck & Holand, right down the street. Yes, the weathervane artist extraordinaire was the source. I didn’t even leave the store before contacting Tony Holand to see if this was true, and low and behold it was! He had them at his shop, and told me stop by. He had plenty of them.

I was relieved and excited to know that I could get one (or two). I love going into Tony’s shop. He has the most amazing weathervanes that he has crafted on display. Before I could get the decal, I had to take a look around and see what’s new. I was particularly fond of the elephant weathervane which is about to make its way to its new home, The Philadelphia Zoo (my favorite zoo).
Once I finished my mini-tour, I had to know where Tony had gotten these wonderful Island decals that I had been obsessing about. He actually had them custom made. About two years ago, he too wanted something different for his car, and could not find anything. Being inspired by other chrome decals and the island that people cut out of the Our Market/Your Market bumper stickers, he went online, and partnered with a company to make them. They are simple, almost elegant, and look fantastic on your car!

Be prepared, it can be considered an investment piece. They are $18 per decal, but they’re worth every dollar. Stop on by his shop, 275 State Road in Vineyard Haven or as I found out today, they’re available at Brickman’s as well. I put mine on my car immediately, and I LOVE it! After all these years, I have a little Vineyard on my car, and I was able to enjoy the adventure finding it. All the hard work is done – you now know where to get one!
Who can I talk to about getting one of these off-island? I don’t get to the Island as much as I would like to, but I would love to have one of these on my car.
You can call Tony Holand – 508- 693-3914 @ Tuck & Holand. He’s very helpful, and please let him know you saw the MV decal on my blog. Thank you & enjoy it- I love mine!