Every once in a while you stumble on something life changing, like fresh bread from Beach Road Restaurant to go. No, but seriously, when you find good bread, you get it. In a world were bread can be considered an enemy, fresh baked, small batch bread made by a baker with love is like a gift.
I had no idea that you could buy the bread Beach Road baker, Leslie Hewson, makes fresh for both Beach Road and State Road — two amazing restaurants that you know, and probably love the food and the bread. Having that bread to go, take with you to parties, for recipes at home, it’s the best.
For me, I was making mussels from Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking for my monthly cookbook club, and felt like I needed amazing bread to accompany the dish, something special. I needed bread from Beach Road.
As it turns out, that when Beach Road is open, you can buy Leslie’s Bread. There’s a little shop there that has some great finds, but is really stocked with cool stuff in the Summer. Currently, you’ll find some of the things that Leslie uses in the kitchen to bake. I had never really noticed it before, but I’ll have to be sure to check it throughout the Summer.
After all, my soul mission was to get bread. I got two baguettes and a sourdough. When you’re buying fresh bread, you can’t just buy one, right? The color, the crust, the smell, all part of the experience. It’s such a special way to buy something. Connecting with the person whose hands mixed the ingredients, kneaded the dough, checked on it while it was baking. An old world connection that is lost in a world of super stores. Here you can still find it.
Was it good? You bet it was. I sliced it thinly, drizzled it with olive oil, sprinkled sea salt, baked for a couple minutes to get crusty, and it was the perfect addition to my mussels, and every other dish from Masting the Art of French Cooking. Luckily, I had brought the additional baguette with me. People do appreciate good bread.
Beach Road opens at 5:00 p.m. and the bread is available then. You find Sourdough, challah bread, and/or baguettes. Special orders require 48 hours. I love that you can secure your order for bread. Loaves range in price from $4.oo to $6.00, and vary in size.
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